



  • トップ
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Unit Management: In other words, breaking your goals into smaller, more manageable parts that you can focus on, and giving yourself a target of time to achieve them. There are two flavors; the first thing to do is to break down your goals into smaller, more manageable and achievable pieces that you can do throughout the year. The second thing to do is to break the small pieces into special tasks so you know what to do today.

Maybe you've heard this old saying how do you build a house? The answer is planning, design and then building little by little, foundation, walls, roofs, windows, plumbing, now do you get the idea? You see you can't do it all at once to break it down into the more manageable smaller segments that you can achieve every day, so the other thing you achieve is an additional victory for the day, and the boy does it feels good, it makes your mind goes into achievement mode and this state of mind is very sticky, even more sticky than the mindset that I haven't achieved!

Start with time. Destroy each of your big goals for this year to four quarters, such as in the calendar quarter. If your goal is to make $ 100 a day, maybe you should make $ 25 per day after the first three months, then $ 50 per day after six months, and so on. Then break every quarter into a monthly goal. So maybe you should make around $ 8 per day after the first month, or something similar. There are several ways you can split goals into several quarters and months, based on the type of goals you are facing. The two most common are:

* You can "increase" the number you want to achieve, such as increasing the number of your customers every month.

* You can set milestones, such as how much free time you have per day at the end of each month.

Now, after you break the goal into smaller parts, it's time to do the daily and / or weekly assignments needed to reach each smaller goal. For example, to get $ 10 per day after the first month, you might say you will get, on average, one new sale from your $ 27 product per day (which will be better than $ 10 per day, but you get the point). If you assume a one percent conversion rate, which is quite conservative but also quite common in web internet marketing today, you will need 100 people to see your offer every day, so you need to determine how you will make it happen. Maybe you will write a new article to publish, or make more posts in the forum, or whatever is needed to improve your business on the internet.

This is where you can use your head, and ANY other resources that you can use, to find out. Of course until you have real numbers to base your estimates on, you have to guess. It is okay. Please guess and learn. Sometimes it's easier to think about things every week. In this example, you might say you will shoot about 50 sales per week and do the daily tasks needed to make it happen. This is where dogs see rabbits, so to speak. This is where you do relatively simple daily things to help you reach your big goals. You will build the house one by one.



  • 夜の採点
  • 昼の採点
  • 5.0


  • 4.5~4.9


  • 4.0~4.4


  • 3.5~3.9


  • 3.0~3.4


  • 2.5~2.9


  • 2.0~2.4


  • 1.5~1.9


  • 1.0~1.4



  • 夜の金額
  • 昼の金額
  • ~¥999


  • ¥1,000~¥1,999


  • ¥2,000~¥2,999


  • ¥3,000~¥3,999


  • ¥4,000~¥4,999


  • ¥5,000~¥5,999


  • ¥6,000~¥7,999


  • ¥8,000~¥9,999


  • ¥10,000~¥14,999


  • ¥15,000~¥19,999


  • ¥20,000~¥29,999


  • ¥30,000~¥39,999


  • ¥40,000~¥49,999


  • ¥50,000~¥59,999


  • ¥60,000~¥79,999


  • ¥80,000~¥99,999


  • ¥100,000~



